Hobo Spider
Hobo spiders are known for building funnel-shaped webs in dark, undisturbed areas. They can be aggressive when defending their nests and may deliver a painful bite.
Basements, crawl spaces, window wells, behind furniture.
Under rocks, in woodpiles, around building foundations.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs
Hobo spider treatment is typically included in general pest control programs.

Wolf Spider
Wolf spiders are solitary hunters that do not build webs. They are fast movers and can be found in a variety of habitats.
Basements, garages, crawl spaces, sheds.
Under rocks, leaf litter, mulch, in gardens, around foundations.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs
Wolf spider treatments are included in our general pest control programs.

Cellar Spider
Known for their long legs and delicate appearance, these spiders are harmless to humans and often found in damp, dark environments.
Frequently found in basements, crawl spaces, cellars, and other damp, dark areas of homes.
Commonly found in cool, shaded areas, such as under eaves, in sheds, and among foliage.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Presence of small, irregular webs, usually in the corners of rooms, ceilings, or other sheltered areas.
Services Needs
Basic measures include removing webs and sealing entry points and is covered in our general pest control services.
Make sure we have access to all affected areas.

Jumping Spider
Jumping spiders are active hunters known for their excellent vision and jumping ability. They do not build webs to catch prey but use silk to create retreat areas.
Windowsills, corners of rooms, ceilings, behind furniture.
On plants, fences, walls, windowsills, gardens.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs
Jumping spider treatment can be included in general pest control programs.

Harvestman Spider
Harvestmen are arachnids but not true spiders. They do not have venom glands or silk-producing abilities. They are harmless to humans and often found in damp environments.
Occasionally enter basements, crawl spaces, and garages, especially in humid conditions.
Found under rocks, logs, leaf litter, and in gardens. They can also be seen on walls and tree trunks.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Typically seen in groups during the day; do not build webs or create visible nests.
Services Needs
Generally do not require pest control services as they are harmless and not considered pests. Reducing moisture and using simple exclusion methods (sealing cracks and gaps) can prevent them from entering homes. However, some people find these spiders unsightly and our general pest control services will greatly reduce the population.
Make sure your yard is well maintained and free of any clutter or debris.

Orb Weaver Spider
Orb weaver spiders are known for their large, circular webs. They are generally harmless and beneficial for controlling insect populations.
Rarely found indoors; may occasionally enter through open windows or doors.
Gardens, shrubs, trees, around outdoor lights, eaves, fences.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs
Orb weaver spider treatments are included in our general pest control programs.

Black Widow Spider
Black widow spiders are venomous and can deliver a painful bite. They prefer dark, undisturbed areas.
Basements, crawl spaces, closets, attics, behind/under furniture.
Under stones, in woodpiles, in sheds, around foundations, under eaves, in garages.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs
Black widow spider treatments are included in our general pest control programs.

Brown Recluse Spider
Brown recluse spiders are venomous and can deliver a painful bite. They prefer dark, undisturbed areas and build irregular webs in hidden locations.
Basements, crawl spaces, attics, closets, behind furniture.
Under stones, in woodpiles, in sheds, around foundations.
Common Signs Of Infestation
Services Needs
Brown recluse spider are included in our general pest control programs.
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